Each state church added its special hymns.
The EKG appeared in 1950, with 394 common songs. A meeting of representatives of German state churches in Eisenach in 1853 resulted in a collection of songs that were widely known and preferred, Deutsches Evangelisches Kirchen-Gesangbuch in 150 Kernliedern, also known as Eisenacher Büchlein. The intention to have a common German Protestant hymnal date back to the mid of the 19th century. The EKG was replaced by the current Evangelisches Gesangbuch (EG) between 19. The Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch (EKG, literally: Protestant church songbook) was the first common hymnal of German-speaking churches in the Protestant state churches ( Landeskirchen) in Germany and the Protestant churches in Austria. EKG 259, 'Eins ist Not! Ach Herr, dies eine', 1962